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34 Study Tips from one college student to another

I just survived Midterms week here at Bible Institute and we had some pretty intense tests. Well, 'tis the season to take tests, so I thought I would compile a list of all the study habits that work for me and share them with you! Obviously, all of these items will not work for everybody, so you can take them or leave them as you see fit.

1. Don't skip out on devotions
I see this far too much, and I'm ashamed to say that I've done it a few times myself. Your time in God's Word is your spiritual food, make sure you don't deprive yourself of your spiritual nourishment. Spend time in prayer, also. It's sad to see how many people will wake up at four in the morning to study for a test but won't wake up at a decent time every other day and set apart time for growing their personal relationship with the Lord. This is not a formula for getting good grades, but it is an important part of your practical life.

2. Ask God to help you
This only makes sense. God says in 1 Peter to cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you. Again, this is not a formula for good grades either, but it is a formula for growing your relationship with Christ. When you admit your incapabilities, it shows your dependence in God. This will help to build your trust in Him.

3. Don't wait for "motivation" to start studying
Just get to it. Many times you will find that what your were dreading becomes a very simple task once you actually start doing it. Stop procrastinating, just get it over with even when you don't feel like it.

4. Take notes in class
Not only will this help you to pay attention during lectures, but it will also make your tests seem less intimidating because the material will be more familiar with you.

5. Be organized in you notes
Find an organization system that works for you. Some people like to write all in one paragraph, and others (like me) like to break up thoughts into smaller sections. You can use numbering systems, dashes, bullet point, or even Roman numerals. If you are not familiar with note-taking systems, it is very easy to find some suggestions and ideas online!

6. Use colors if it helps
This usually helps visual learners, but anyone can give it a try! Sometimes using colors in your notes or on your study guides helps you to separate parts of information and remember it more easily. But again, this system is not for everybody.

7. Make your own study guides
I don't know about your school, but at my college, study guides are a big deal! Our teachers always tell us the basic idea of what may be on their tests and it is very easy to find a handful of people who are willing to give you a copy of their study guides. It is nice that some people are willing to do this, but sometimes it helps a lot more if you just make your own.

8. Vary your study style according to class/topic
The same method of studying may not always work for every test, quiz, or assignment you may have. Change it so that it is appropriate to what you are studying.

9. Start studying early
Don't wait until the night before to start cramming for that exam. Start earlier so you don't have to stress as much.

10. Study in small, spread out portions of time
Instead of studying for eight hours straight and struggling to get the answers memorized, try studying for 15-30 minutes at a time in frequent, spread out portions of time. The review will help the information to stick.

11. Take short breaks
Sometimes it really is necessary. Relax for a few minutes, then come back to studying.

12. Take advantage of spare time
Make those 5-15 minute breaks in between activities count. Carry your study guides with you so you can take advantage of these small portions of time.

13. Work ahead on your homework
This way you won't have assignments that need to be done when your tests start pouring in. Then you can focus on studying and your attention won't be drawn elsewhere.

14. Find your prime time for studying
I know that some of the best times in the day for me to study is from 5-7 in the morning and 6-8 in the evening. It is at those times that my brain is usually most attentive. Find the time for yourself and take advantage of that time as much as is possible.

15. Don't pull all-nighters
It is not worth it. Just start studying earlier. Sleep is important, too, and nobody wants to see you be a grump the whole next day. And coffee is not a substitute for sufficient rest!

16. If the information doesn't stick, don't complain
Really, it is just a waste of time. Just take a deep breath, relax, and keep working at it. Complaining never fixed anybody's problems.

17. Don't study where you will be easily distracted
Try to avoid those places as much as possible when studying.

18. Turn off your phone/TV/computer
They are major distractions and it is easier for you if you just set them aside for a while so you can focus your mind on other things.

19. Study in a clean environment
Clutter is distracting, make sure you pick it up or go to another clean room.

20. Vary the places that you study
Some people need variety and some people need to stay in the same place. Find which kind of person you are and find your study spots accordingly. Sometimes you just can't study in your room, or maybe you always fall asleep in the library. Find the places that are least distracting for you.

21. Study in the shower!
Seriously, put your papers in a zip-lock bag and bring it in the shower with you. It really works! I always study in the shower when I am having a hard time with memorization, especially Bible verses and test questions that need a word-for-word answer. It always helps me to focus for some reason and really there are no distractions in there.

22. Don't study with distracting people
Just leave the room or refuse their invitation to study with them. Don't be rude about, but don't waste your time if you know you won't get anything done.

23. Study with friends
Sometimes group studies really help some people. For some people, though, this doesn't work as well. Find which one works best for you.

24. Repetition
One of my friends was eating lunch with me one day and we were discussing learning techniques. She kept repeating several times just for fun: "Repetition is the key to learning!" Well, she repeated it so many times that now I can't forget it if I tried.

25. Run over information several times
This will help you to memorize it. Keep reviewing so that you make sure that you're not memorizing the wrong wording or information!

26. Come up with motions/signs/pictures to help you remember information
This is especially helpful when memorizing long lists, and it does help if you have a bit of a background in sign language.

27. Test yourself before you take the test
See if you really have the information down or if you only think that you have it down.

28. Keep your study time quiet or listen to music
Usually instrumental is ideal rather than lyrics, but it all depends on the person and his preference.

29. Multi-task
Do your laundry or exercise while you study if you have a hard time sitting still for long periods of time. Just make sure that it is something that doesn't take too much for your brain to focus on.

30. Eliminate distractions
You know what distracts you the most, make sure that you stay away from those things when you are trying to study.

31. Get comfortable
Wear a blanket if you're cold, wear comfy clothes, put your hair up or down- all these things will eliminate any unneeded distractions. But don't get so comfortable that you will fall asleep easily.

32. Carry quiz cards/flash cards around with you
That way you will have your material with you at all times so you can use your spare time to study. I like to do this with my Greek vocabulary- I write the words on index cards that are cut down to a small size and carry them around with me. It is a very handy system! You can even get super fancy and design your cards in a really intricate way if you want.

33. Study out loud
This helps some people not only to stay focus, but also to learn the information more quickly because you are seeing and hearing it at the same time rather than just seeing it.

34. Don't give up!
Do your best and work hard regardless of your grades.

I hope that you find some of these tips helpful for your own studies! And just know this- I am not an expert at studying, I'm just another student and I want to share what I know with you. Have fun studying!

In Christ,
