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What If God Never Uses Me?

Young people are often told to be faithful now, and God will use you. Older people are told to be faithful in the little things, because you never know how God will use you. But, how do I know when God is using me? What does God do with me when He’s done using me?

What if God never uses me?

Those are valid questions. So we are going to consider examples in the Bible to pinpoint eight qualities of how God uses people. It may not be what you think.


God used Moses after preparing him for 80 years.

God’s big Abraham event occurred at age 100.

God used Noah after 500 years of faithfulness.

Then again, God used John the Baptist while he was still in the womb.

Wait for God’s timing. It’s always right.

Opposition and Difficulty

Joseph was in prison with a marred reputation.

Elijah, Micaiah, Jeremiah, and others confronted powerful, angry men.

Kings Asa and Hezekiah faced large armies.

Mary faced execution as an unwed, pregnant girl.

Trust that God knows why He allows difficult circumstances.


Noah’s use: save eight people.

Abraham’s use: produce a son.

Joseph’s use: sustain a family.

Moses’ use: guide a nation to their land.

Prophets’ use: deliver a message.

Apostle’s use: spread the gospel.

Don’t presume on God’s purpose for you. Be willing to obey any command.

Despite self

Abraham was a liar.

Isaac played favorites.

Jacob was manipulative.

Moses wimped out.

Samson was a womanizer.

Elijah threw pity parties.

Solomon worshipped idols.

Elizabeth was too old.

John the Baptist doubted.

The disciples were arrogant.

Paul was a murderer.

Realize that God is not limited by the flaws of His tools.

Size of the job

BIG! Noah built the boat the saved humanity.

          Little…. Sarah had a baby.

BIG! Joseph saved many nations from starvation!

          Little…. Jacob blessed his sons.

BIG! Moses led millions of whiny people for forty years!

          Little…. Rahab believed God.

BIG! Samson killed hundreds of thousands of enemies!

          Little…. Deborah wrote a song.

BIG! Peter raised Dorcas from the dead!

          Little…. Dorcas made clothing for others.

See obedience through God’s eyes: every job He gives is important to His cause.


Through obedience, Enoch was translated to heaven, with no death.

Esther got to be top queen, well-liked, and save her nation.

Elijah and Elisha saw fire consume their enemies, people raised to life, and God provide food for poor people in miraculous ways.


Through obedience, prophets Hanani, Micaiah, and Jeremiah each ended up in prison. Some probably died there.

James was beheaded.

Stephen was stoned.

Don’t assume that God rewards obedience with what we think would be good.


Noah built one boat.

David slew giants and armies, saved Saul multiple times, built cities, formed a government, and was used over and over.

Shamgar is mentioned once.

Moses’ name and accomplishments recur throughout the Bible.

The loaves-and-fish boy isn’t even named.

The apostles performed miracle after miracle, and Paul continually planted churches.

Recognize that God will use His tools whenever He wants.

Physical vs. Spiritual

Abraham had a physical son.

David killed a physical giant.

Solomon built a physical temple.

The seven deacons provided physical service.

But Enoch walked with God.

Moses wrote down the law.

Ezra taught Israel to fear God.

Mary sang.

Peter’s friends prayed.

Don’t over-emphasize the importance of either the physical or the spiritual in God’s plan.

What about those people who seemingly did nothing?

David’s mighty men

500 prophets in Elijah’s day

Unidentified “men” who sought the Lord in Genesis 5

Believers throughout history who were just there (think of the Dark Ages)

Me and you?

The essence of being used by God is this:
It’s not about the tool. It’s not even about the job. It’s about the Worker. It’s about His purpose.
So, if in God’s toolbox there is a tool that He chooses to never use, who is the tool to object?

Whether He “uses” you or not, delight in Him. Praise Him. Love Him. Enjoy Him. Get in practice for heaven.
And don’t underestimate the power of your faithfulness in someone else’s life.

