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How To Be a Happy Person

Whether it is a state of mind or feeling, happiness is something that everyone desires. We go to great lengths to achieve it, but it seems that lasting happiness is always fleeing from our desperate grasps. We are pushed and told to do the things that make us happy, yet we struggle to make the feeling last.

There is a good reason for this: happiness is not permanent. This is because happiness is based on happenstances, hence the word "happiness". It comes as a result of your response to what happens in your life.

No wonder you can't make it stay!

As a Christian, it is vital to understand that happiness and joy are distinct from one another. You may not always be happy, to which there ought to be no shame and guilt when you are not, but you are always to remain joyful. While there are certain aspects of your life that you cannot control, there are some things that you can do to promote happiness.

1. Present

The key to being a truly happy person is to live not for yourself, but to live for God. When you put yourself aside for the higher calling of serving Christ, you experience the joy of the Spirit that leads to a happiness that no circumstances in this world can give to you.

When scrolling through Pinterest the other day, I stumbled upon a pin concerning the science behind happiness. According to this study, specifically concerning the hierarchy of needs, the top of the happiness pyramid is having a life purpose. What purpose in life is better than the privilege of serving God?

This is our life purpose, that we present ourselves by the mercies of God as a living sacrifice; holy, acceptable unto God, which is our reasonable service (pssst... read Romans 12:1-2!). You don't pursue happiness and get it, you pursue God and get happiness!

2. Esteem

Another way to be a happier person is to esteem others as more important than ourselves. This goes painfully against our culture that constantly preaches that nothing else is more important than you, your needs, your goals, and your happiness.

Christians ought to stick out like a sore thumb in today's culture with our standards that we find in Philippians 2. We are encouraged to consider others above ourselves and to look out for their interests rather than our own only.

Even the secular world admits that serving others with a willing heart is fulfilling and brings great happiness, but we have so much more of a reason not only to serve, but enjoy doing it! Service to one another brings happiness since we know that we are being pleasing to God in what we do for one another. What a joy to know that we are being a blessing to the people around us!

These are the spiritual foundations of happiness that we can control in order to be overall happier people. Just remember that happiness is not lasting, although it is enjoyable! Sometimes it is just not appropriate to be exuberantly happy in certain circumstances, but it is always appropriate to be joyful no matter what is going on. Expecting to be happy all the time is an unrealistic and unattainable expectation, so ditch that idea now to save yourself a lot of headache later. Embrace instead the joy of the Holy Spirit that can always be in you.

Here are some more things you can do to promote happiness in your life. But be wary and remember that if your spiritual life is not your priority, all the rest of this list are just empty feelings!

3. Exercise

Exercising releases endorphins, the "feel good" hormones. Getting up and moving around can instantly improve your mood!

4. Get Outside

Something as simple as going outdoors for a bit can help lift your spirits. The feeling of the sun on your face and the smell of the fresh air is not only good for your health, but also for your mental disposition. Go out and enjoy what God made, and thank Him for it while you're at it!

5. Family Time

Spend some time bonding with your family (or your friends... or your pet) and take some effort to get to know them and enjoy their company. This goes hand-in-hand with serving one another and esteeming them as more important than yourself.

6. Eat and Sleep Well

Do a little bit of study on what foods you should eat to promote happiness (unfortunately, it's probably not ice cream). Generally, the healthier you eat, the better. Eating the food itself may not bring happiness, but the results of a well-balanced diet will not hurt your disposition. Likewise, get sufficient rest. The more tired we are, the more irritable and less emotionally stable we tend to be.

7. Fulfill Your Responsibilities

Sometimes that to-do list is too daunting to maintain a happy attitude. That's okay, as long as you don't complain about it. But pursuing happiness before completing those things that are expected of you will be empty and short-lived. Just do them first if you can, then the fun and happiness you find after will be much more enjoyable.

I hope that the rest of your day is full of happiness, and more importantly, the joy of the Lord! God bless!

- Megan
