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My Handy-Dandy Notebook

Two months ago, my husband and I were in California, staying with his parents during our Christmas break.

And I was bored.

Totally bored.

Bored and without direction and purpose in my day-to-day life.

While talking with Megan via phone one day, she suggested using a calendar and schedule, but not in the old, traditional way that I had given up after graduating from Bible school. She pointed me to bullet journals, habit trackers, and other methods of making my planner fit my needs. I fell in love with this new system and began filling it up right away! I had purpose and direction in my long, lonely days.

Fast-forward two months into the present, and I am now on the opposite end of bored! I don't have time in a day to get bored, and where does my scheduling fall in these days? It saves me so much time and anguish! I write down everything, and when (yes, when) I forget, I don't have to fret about it.

To spark ideas in your mind, whether you are in a stay-at-home-long-days stage or a not-enough-time-in-a-day stage, I'd like to share some pages of my notebook with you, along with some helpful hints!


I ordered my notebook from Amazon for around $8.00. It fits pages that are 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches (what you get if you cut regular copy paper in half), so it's conventional. It's big enough to fit everything I need it to, and yet small enough to carry around and use on my lap. I always keep good sticky notes in the front and note cards in the zippered pouch, and I'm ready for anything!


When I first started keeping a notebook back in school, I thought it was silly to come up with goals for everything. I never looked at them, and I knew what I needed to do just fine. But I've learned a lot since then, and I include goals everywhere. I have goals for the year. I have goals on my month-in-a-glance page. I have goals on my weekly spread. They remind me to build a To-do list that will lead toward accomplishing my goals rather than distract me from where I want to go and what I want to be.


These pages both include a panoramic view of the year we're living in, each with a different function. The left page is a simple calendar,telling me what dates fall on what days. I scatter these mini-calendars all over my notebook for quick reference!
The right page is an open block for each month, and as I have big events scheduled, I write them into their block. I don't use the right page that much, and when I come around to next year, I might not include that page. This is the real fun of this kind of scheduling-- you can tailor the pages to fit your personal needs, and you have no obligation to fill out pages that don't fit your style.


I made one of these pages for each month of the year, and I make sure that if I write an event into the yearly spread, I also write it into the monthly spread! No forgetting appointments for me, please! On the right side, I write out goals for February, tasks, info for the retreat this month, and whatever else is applicable. That is why the right page for November is blank.... I want to leave room for trips I don't know about yet, and things of that nature. I want to make my notebook work for me!


This is my spread for this week, and I made it on Saturday night so that it would be fresh and ready on Sunday morning. Even if it's a little off as the week goes on, I look up the weather forecast to get an idea of what to expect. I mark the days I'm going to work, I write in what cleaning I should do each day too keep up with my housework, and I leave lots of open space for additions!
On the right side, I have my goals for the week, tasks, a small habit tracker, a section for people I need to communicate with, and notes. On the bottom, I have a small square titled "Next Week", as a heads up for what is coming.


This section is my most flexible section. It is my daily log/ to-do list/ journal/ schedule/ whatever I need it to be. I write down what I've been eating (if I have a problem, I can trace it down easier), how much water I'm drinking, what the weather was like, thoughts about what happened or what I need to do.... Sometimes I write recipes here to try later.... Sometimes I schedule out every task in my day and try to follow that.
I take up as much room as I like, then when the day is over, I write in tomorrow's name and number and do it all over again tomorrow. I make it work for my day and try not to fret about it if I miss something.


 This is why I can't call it a journal or a calendar.... I call it a notebook, and that's the best I can come up with! I keep pages that are for special applications, and I'd like to share some of those with you to open up new ideas to you.
This page says " Think about it". Whenever I have a thought of something that I want to think through later, I write it down at the top of one of these pages. Later, when I have time, I'll spend some time thinking about it and trying to solve the issue. I write down pertinent verses and keep it in my notebook to flip back and remember what I've thought through when the issue comes up again. I have found this to be so helpful, and I commend it to you, as well!

Another special page I have is my cleaning schedule page. I divided up cleaning tasks according to days, weeks, and months, and spread them out. This way, I don't have to clean the whole house in one day and fail; I maintain it little by little. Maybe sometime in a future post I'll explore that page with you all!

I have several pages devoted to lists of people to pray for. I have a page for family, a page for friends, a page for church folks, and this is my missionary page. I work my way down the page each day and pray for a few names on each list.

Another important section of my notebook contains my sermon notes. I do have a post to share with you about that, if my laptop ever goes to internet land again..... When this section gets too full, I will transfer the notes elsewhere so that they're not just cluttering up my notebook. 


Other pages that I keep include, but are not limited to:

A list of foods to make as I think of them, including chocolate, pesto, and croissants.

Quotes and poems as I come across good ones.

A list of ideas for devotionals, blog posts, dramas, and stories. Someday, I will have time to write them all!

A vocabulary list containing words I am not familiar with, but want to learn.

A list of books that I would like to get and a list of good radio stations (have I mentioned the to love listening to the radio?).

....And other things that I find useful! The key is to get your notebook to do a lot of your work for you! Of course, to get work out of it, you have to program it, a lot like when you use your crock pot!

It saves you work.
It keeps you mindful of your goals.
It guides you in your choices.
Overall, a notebook is a highly useful tool! I hope giving you a tour of mine gave you fresh ideas for yours! If you keep a notebook, how do you like to do it? I'd love to hear how you use yours!

All for God's glory~
