I memorized a lot of Scripture when I was a child. Growing up in a pastor's home meant that we were heavily involved in the AWANA program, and I was privileged to participate as early as Cubbies to TNT clubs and beyond. In Bible college, Scripture memorization was a major portion of our grades. I was thoroughly saturated with the importance of memorizing Scripture... So I was naturally great at it, right? The truth is, I've always struggled with memorization. Nearly everything I memorized was crammed for one reason or another, and whatever wasn't done last minute wouldn't stick with me long-term. I can hardly remember any of the verses that I memorized in AWANA clubs, and I have only a vague recollection of what I memorized during college (which was not very long ago, mind you.) My strongest memories are the agonizing frustrations of trying to recite to a professor, or writing down for a test, only to be met with a blank wall of complete forgetfulness. I didn...