At the end of this series, I hope you have a true desire to write a good, God-honouring song (or songs!), and I hope you have tried your hand at it by now. I hope you have picked up some ideas for inspiration, instruction to help you actually carry it out, and tools to make it useful and good. The last thing we need to talk about is the essential “Now what?” We have a pretty little song with perfect words and rhymes, but what are we supposed to do with this song? The answer to that question depends a lot on you and your circumstances. Consider the purpose of the song: Why did you write it in the first place? I could spend paragraphs discussing what you could and should do with it and why, but I will spare you that and make an easy-to-read list for you: ΓΌ Keep it personal. Use your music in your own personal worship to voice your ind...