Megan not only has a great interest in art and many artsy things, she also has a natural talent for such things. While I enjoy much of that as well, my interests lie more in the musical realms of art. I play the cello and sing alto (generally the lead) and sometimes either soprano or tenor, and I plink around on the piano, as well. But these various instruments are only the surface of my love for music. My greatest aspiration in music is not to be the best cellist in the world, but it is to leave behind a legacy of written music that others can use for years after I’m gone. On this blog in the next several posts I write, I’d like to share some of the things I’ve learned along the way with the hopes that it will help readers to either begin or continue writing music! Now, I’m not a professional music-anything. I’ve never gone to any high-end music schools o...