“….‘And the greatest of these is love.’ You see, of all that God is, it is most important that He is love. It is His greatest characteristic. He could have emphasized His justice and wrath, He could have emphasized His power, but He chose to emphasize His love. Where would we be without His love?” The preacher’s voice rand loudly throughout the small sanctuary, almost deafeningly, and several hearty “Amens” echoed back. But some in the congregation knew that the preacher wasn’t quite right. Where did he go wrong? Well, first of all, he was misapplying Scripture, since 1 Corinthians 13 is not teaching that love is God’s choicest attribute. Secondly, the preacher didn’t know God as he should have as a minister in the pulpit, and this is to his shame; for if he were to know the God of the Bible, he would have been unable to bring himself to say what he did. ...