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Showing posts from January, 2017

How to Start Reading Your Bible

As you may have realized by now, I tend to stress having a daily devotions time and reading your Bible in general. I believe it is important to read the Bible daily because it provides our spiritual nourishment and it is our guide for living righteous lives before God. Paul tells us to desire the sincere milk of the Word and Jesus said that the ones who keep His commandments are His friends. How can we desire what we have never tasted? How can we keep what we do not know? Some people, especially new believers, genuinely struggle getting into Bible reading. This is common, and I believe that it is because of a few false ideas that many people have when they read the Word. First, they think it is boring. There is nothing that can bog you down more than trying to read a book that is, or you are convinced is boring. This is far from the truth for the Word of God, which is living and active and sharper than any double-edged blade! The Bible is full of exciting stories and events a

10 Good Habits to Form in College

Looking back over your last semester or two in college, can you think of anything that you would do differently? Were you diligent in your time management? Were you ahead of the game in your assignments, or did you often find yourself pulling off late nights to get some assignment in? I know that for myself, last semester was a bit of a struggle. I was particularly lazy in a few areas that really affected the rest of my college experience. I was especially excited with the start of this new year to come back to school because I knew that there were a handful of things that I would do differently. I’m going to share those things with you today. These habits that I am sharing with you are not just things that I have copied from other people to make another list. These are actually things that I did my Freshman year and are tried and true. I cannot ever express how much better college was when I practiced these things, and I think you will benefit from them too if you tried them!